Episode 2: Off to a Great Start
Mum and Dad’s new Brotherwood WAV was ready ahead of schedule, a huge relief to us all as Dad had been impatiently counting down the days. Which was entirely understandable, as a year or so ago he’d lost the ability to transfer safely from his wheelchair into their car. His world (and Mum’s world too, because she doesn’t like to do things he can’t) had shrunk. They were both looking forward to being able to get out and about again, perhaps having some new adventures too. After all, they’re only in their eighties.
Mum and Dad had chosen a VW Caddy. When I picked the car up for them, their Mobility Consultant Marcus gave a thorough demo of all its features, including the fact that it has a Sports mode – which I hope Mum never discovers as she has a reputation for being a rather racy driver.
It was a bitterly cold day, but Dad was determined to go on his first outing as soon as possible. There was a lot riding on this first trip. We all had high hopes that the car would give them their quality of life back – but for them to use it regularly, it would have to be straightforward to operate and drive.

We needn’t have worried. The PAWRS system is so well designed and engineered, we simply followed Marcus’s clear instructions and up the ramp Dad went, requiring very little effort on our part. Crucially, Dad felt completely secure too.
Off we went to Blue Anchor, a favourite seaside spot of theirs which they used to visit regularly. I drove, as Mum wanted to get a feel for the car first, and with Dad sitting just behind us we could chat as normal. He remarked on what a wonderful view he had from the car as we swept west along the coast road.
There’s plenty of parking at Blue Anchor and it’s flat to push a wheelchair along the front. It was too cold that day for a long walk though, so we went to the wheelchair accessible Hoburne Cafe, where we ordered their excellent bacon rolls, coffee and cake. That’s when it properly sank in – the WAV really was going to change their lives, as we’d hoped.
I sent a photo of Dad in the cafe to my sister, Helen, who replied “He’s free!” It was an emotional moment and we were all beaming with the success of it.

When it was time to leave, Mum took a deep breath and said: “I’ll drive back.” For years, she’d only driven her trusty Freelander. But after just a couple of minutes behind the wheel of the VW Caddy, she commented on what a lovely drive it was.
Then, as we pulled into their cul-de-sac, she frowned. “What’s wrong, Mum?” I asked.
“None of the neighbours were out to see us in our smart new car,” she replied.
In the next instalment of Back on the Road, there are some bumps in the road…
About this Blog
‘Back on the Road’ follows how a Brotherwood Volkswagen Caddy Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV) is changing the lives of Somerset residents, Irene and Brian.
Brian is a wheelchair user and the couple are 80-something-young. They have a Golden Retriever, Barnaby, who will sadly never experience the adventures a Brotherwood WAV makes possible, as he refuses to travel by car.
The blog is written by one of their daughters, and will bring regular updates of how they are rediscovering the joys of spontaneous travel thanks to Brotherwood.