Motability Increase New Vehicle Payment for Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles

Motability New Vehicle Payment
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New Vehicle Payment Increased to £750

Motability have announced an increase to the New Vehicle Payment for Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles, taking the one-off customer bonus to £750.

Eligible customers taking delivery of a new Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle on the Motability scheme will benefit from a £750 payment, which can be taken as a payment or alternatively deducted from the Advance Payment, making it even easier to enjoy everyday freedom with a new WAV on the Motability scheme.

The payment aims to help wheelchair users dependent on specially-adapted accessible vehicles keep their independence by leasing a new Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle with insurance, servicing, breakdown assistance, tyre and windscreen replacement for a 5-year contract.

You can read all of the details of the New Vehicle Payment and check your eligibility at the Motability website.

For more information and to learn more about the range of Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles available on the Motability scheme with a £750 New Vehicle Payment contact the UK’s Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle specialists Brotherwood on 0330 1747 555.


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